How to Write a Mission Statement That Works
In my last article, I talked about the benefits of being resolute. Many news outlets report on the negative state of affairs with young men in our society. They report and give statistics on how men are falling behind in education, empoyment opportunities and in sexual encounters. I say, f*** that. Allow me to share with you insights from the popular 90’s self help book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” that might provide a light in a darkened tunnel to help a person on their journey on this terrestrial ball
What is a Mission Statement?
A mission statement is an individual’s or organization’s core set of beliefs on a written document. Think, “The Constitution”. It is a document that helps one define what values are important to oneself. It can provide a standard or an aspiration for us to live by. Or, it can simply provide us direction when we’re feeling aimless. Not in a ‘gps’ kind of way, more like a compass kind of way. It can’t tell you where to go, but it can provide you with direction; know where one’s true north is. Many people, nonetheless, young men have no constitution simply because they never thought of it before.
What makes for a good Mission Statement?
Well, if you see there might be something to having a personal mission statement, here are some questions to ask and have your mission statement answer:
* What do I believe in?
* What do think about relationships?
* What do I think about work?
* What do I want to accomplish in life?
These are only a few questions to ask oneself. In the book, the author starts the chapter requesting the audience to imagine what they would like to be said about them in their eulogy. I believe taking the time to do this exercise is very beneficial. It gives a person something to shoot for. These can be goals that are self generated and not what other’s are telling you to believe. They can also help you connect with you innermost values.
How do I write a Mission Statement?
Draw from religion, philosophy, even pop culture (my own personal mission statement has been influenced by Star Wars!). There’s no right or wrong way to create one. Be as creative as you want. Write it once, twice, however many times it takes for you to have something that you can connect with. And once you have it, look at it! Put it somewhere where you can see it often and refer to. See if you are still heading true north.
Well, there you have it. Hopefully, your Mission Statement will inspire you and give you direction where you need it. Feel free to share your thoughts on how to make a Mission Statement or if you’d like to share portions of your Mission Statement.